Oct 24, 2011

Today's Idiocy



Edward rescued a wrong Bella

Press Any key

Hot Dog for Sale

Holla Kwek Kwek

Parrot Hilton

Living Helicopter

Slide n Slice

Oct 20, 2011

Fancy hairstyles for da petz everyone...

Dog won't like this, but, come on, isn't it cute?


Jamaica man

Proud guy with beatiful hair

cool as shit

Um, I'm speechless

K-pop lover

Lion wannabe

You're so ugly, seriously! take off that wig!


Please deh, segitu seremnya ya burung?

Di ingatkan kepada seluruh pengemudi untuk TIDAK MENGEMUDI DALAM KEADAAN MABUK!!!

Kayaknya emang agak2 telat juga untuk pake kondom sekarang...

Emo niggah, that's not usual

This cat is a little gay, he don't like his body hairy..

Oct 4, 2011

Pet master

Gw baru tahu, ternyata hewan peliharaan dan majikannya punya banyak kemiripan...

Evil Kids

These kids, I tell ya, have the devil inside them, beware!!!

She really needs the real exorcism, at least she needs to understand what she was reading. Yeah, it kinda sucks she cant read.

I bet she was the one started the fire

Aih, this kid eats her own kind.